; Marcella Ducasses: P - Daily Word Dose

Friday 29 April 2011

P - Daily Word Dose

Palatable - 1. Acceptable or agreeable to the palate or taste; savory: John thought the food at the buffet was so palatable that he ate until he felt like he was going to explode. 2. Acceptable or agreeable to the mind or feeling: We met with our supervisor to discuss some palatable solutions to the problem.

Pander - 1. A person who furnishes clients for a prostitute; pimp  2. To satisfy the ignoble ambitions, desires, vices, etc of another: The smarter public officials will not pander to the needs of the corrupt mayor, regardless of his powerful influence. 3. A go-between in amorous intrigues.

Paucity - 1. Smallness of quantity; scarcity; scantness; lack. 2. smallness or insufficiency of number; fewness: There was a paucity of intelligent answers to that question. 

Peddling - 1. To travel about with wares for sale; to go from place to place, or from house to house for the purpose of retailing goods, as to peddle without a license. 2. to deal out, distribute or dispense, esp. in small quantities; 3. To see (drugs) illicitly.

Pompous -1. Characterized by an ostentatious display of dignity or importance: He gave us a pompous speech about paying our taxes.  2. Ostentatiously lofty or high flown  3. Characterized by pomp, stately splendor, or magnificence.

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