; Marcella Ducasses: N - Daily Word Dose

Thursday 28 April 2011

N - Daily Word Dose

Ok, I slacked off again, so here are 3 daily word doses in a row (I am skipping L and N for now). I only have 4 "O" words for now.

Obsequious - 1. Characterized by or showing servile complaisance or deference; fawning: He was so obsequious when the boss was present that his coworkers shunned him in disgrace.  2. Servilely compliant or deferential  3. Obedient; dutiful.

Onerous - 1. Burdensome, oppressive or troublesome; causing hardship: Some felt that the twelve tasks of Hercules were too onerous, even for him. 2. Having or involving obligations or responsibilities, esp. legal ones that outweigh the advantages.

Ostensible - 1. Outwardly appearing as such; pretended; professed: His ostensible cheerfulness concealed his sadness. 2. Apparent, evident or conspicuous.

Ostentatious- 1. Characterized by or given to pretentious or conspicuous show in an attempt to impress others: He was an ostentatious dresser. 2. Intended to attract notice: Bill Gates' ostentatious charity.

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