; Marcella Ducasses: M - Daily Word Dose

Thursday 28 April 2011

M - Daily Word Dose

I currently don't have any "L" words to learn, so I'll skip L for now and come back to it later.

Menial - 1. Lowly and sometimes degrading work: She has a menial, part-time cleaning job and only gets 50 cents more than minimum wage. 2. Servile, submissive: Menial attitudes. 3. Pertaining to or suitable for domestic servants; humble.

Minion - 1. A servile follower or subordinate of a person in power: The Minister always appeared surrounded by his minion. 2. A favored or highly regarded person  3. A minor official.

Misbegotten -1. Unlawfully or irregularly begotten; illegitimate: His misbegotten son.  2. Badly conceived, made or carried out: This is by far the most shamelessly, misbegotten legislation to pass into law.

Mirth - 1. Gaiety or jollity, especially when accompanied by laughter: With the holiday season approaching, he was unable to control his mirth.  2. Amusement or laughter: The joke that the teacher told left the whole class in mirth.

Myopic - 1. Pertaining to or having myopic (nearsighted) 2. Unable or unwilling to act prudently; shortsighted: Leaving her child alone while she went shopping was dangerously self-centered and myopic.  3. Lacking tolerance or understanding; narrow-minded: She is so myopic, she is not willing to try any cuisine other than French and Italian.

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