; Marcella Ducasses: B - Daily Word Dose

Tuesday 19 April 2011

B - Daily Word Dose

Barring - Excepting; Except for: Barring losing the $40, I had a good time at the Casino.

Bemoan - 1. To express distress or grief over, lament: The farmer bemoaned his loss. 2. To regard with regret or disapproval: The teacher bemoaned that David cheated on his test.

Benign - 1. Having a kind disposition; gracious. 2. Showing or expressive of gentleness or kindness: A benign smile. 3. Favorable; propitious: A series of benign omens. 4. non-malignant; self-limiting.

Brazen - 1. Shameless or impudent: Sarah brazenly screamed at her boss. 2. made of brass 3. like brass as in sound, colour or strength.

Bulwark - 1. A wall of earth or other material built for defense, rampart. The great wall of China was built as a bulwark against the Mongolians. 2. Any person or thing giving strong support or encouragement: My best friend was my bulwark during those tough times.

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