; Marcella Ducasses: F- Daily Word Dose

Sunday 24 April 2011

F- Daily Word Dose

I could only think of 4 words for "F," when I find a fifth, I will add to this.

Feeble - 1. Physically weak as from age or illness; frail  2. Weak intellectually or morally: A feeble mind. 3. Lacking in volume, loudness, brightness, distinctness, etc: A feeble voice, a feeble light. 4. Lacking in force, strength or effectiveness: Feeble resistance, feeble arguments. 

Feign - 1. To represent fictitiously; put an appearance of: She feigned illness to skip school. 2. To invent fictitiously or deceptively, as a story or an excuse 3. To imitate deceptively: To feign someone's voice.

Flagrant - 1. Shockingly noticeable or evident; obvious; glaring: Bush flagrantly lied to the American public. 2. Notorious; scandalous: A flagrant crime, a flagrant offender.

Fraudulent - 1. Characterized by, involving or proceeding from fraud, as actions, enterprise, methods, or gains: He performed a fraudulent scheme to evade taxes. 2. Given to or using fraud, as a person cheating; dishonest.

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