; Marcella Ducasses: C - Daily Word Dose

Wednesday 20 April 2011

C - Daily Word Dose

Capitulate - 1. To surrender unconditionally or on stipulated terms. 2. To give up resistance: He finally capitulated to do things my way.

Caprice - 1. Subject to unpredictable change, as of one's mind or the weather. 2. A tendency to change one's mind without apparent or adequate motive; impulsive. Fashion is subject to irregularity and caprices; He is such a capricious boss, I never know how he'll react.

Caveat - 1. A warning or caution; admonition: They sold the cabin with the caveat that the roof would need repairs before winter. 2. A legal notice to a court or public officer to suspend a certain proceeding until the notifier is given a hearing.

Clout - 1. A blow, esp. with the hand: The bully gave him a painful clout on the head. 2. Pull, strong influence, muscle, esp. political power: A wealthy campaign contributor with great clout at City Hall.

Coerce - 1. To compel by force, intimidation or authority, esp. without regard for individual desire or volition: They coerced him into signing the document. 2. To bring about through the use of force or other forms of compulsion: To coerce obedience. 3. To dominate or control, esp. by exploiting fear, anxiety: The State is based on successfully coercing the individual.

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