; Marcella Ducasses: A - Daily Word Dose

Monday 18 April 2011

A - Daily Word Dose

As part of my goal to become a self-taught journalist, I will be posting 5 words per day that I would like to incorporate into my vocabulary. This means that in a year I should know nearly 2,000 more words than I do now. I will work my way down the alphabet from A-Z.

Today's words:

  • Aberration: 1. The act of departing from the right, normal or usual course. 2. The act of deviating from the ordinary, usual or normal type: Her willingness to speak out in front of the class marked an aberration from her quiet and introverted ways. 3. Mental irregularity or disorder, esp. of a minor or temporary nature; lapse from a sound mental state.
  • Amiss: 1. Out of the right, proper course, order or condition; improperly, wrongly, astray: Did I speak amiss? 2. Improper, wrong, faulty: I think something is amiss in your calculations. 3. Take amiss, to be offended at or resentful (something not meant to cause offense or resentment); misunderstanding: I was afraid my point of view would be taken amiss.
  • Aggregate: 1. Formed by the conjunction or collection of particulars into a whole mass or sum; total; combined. 2. To bring together; collect into one sum, mass or body. 3. to amount to: The guns captured will aggregate five or six hundred.
  • Avarice: Insatiable greed for riches, inordinate, miserly desire to gain and hoard wealth:  I was the only one who knew that her avarice was a symptom of her pathological fear of being poor.

  • Adulate: 1. To show excessive admiration or devotion to; flatter or admire servilely: In Junior High and High School, Marcella adulated the Rock Star Chris Cornell.

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