; Marcella Ducasses: L - Daily Word Dose

Friday, 10 June 2011

L - Daily Word Dose

Languish - 1. To be or become weak or feeble; droop; fade  2. To lose vigor and vitality: I became languished after a long day of cold calling and rejection  3. To undergo neglect or experience prolonged inactivity; suffer hardship and distress: He languished in prison for 10 years.

Loom -1. To appear indistinctly; Come into view in indistinct and enlarged form: The mountainous island loomed on the horizon  2. To rise before the vision with an appearance of great or portentous size: Suddenly a police officer loomed in front of him. 3. To assume form as an impending event: A battle looms at the convention.

Loquacious - 1. Talking or tending to talk much or freely; talkative; chattering; babbling; garrulous: The loquacious host talked for hours about his adventures in Africa.  2. Characterized by excessive talk; wordy: It was easily the most loquacious play of the season.

Lull -1. To put to sleep or rest by soothing means: She lulled the child by singing. 2. To soothe or quiet  3. To give or lead to feel a false sense of safety; cause to be less alert, aware or watchful.

Lurch - 1. An act or instance of swaying abruptly: The train suddenly lurched forward 2. A sudden tip or roll to one side, as of a ship or staggering person  3. An awkward, swaying or staggering motion or gait: When you release the hand break, the vehicle may begin to lurch

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