Cacophony - 1. Harsh discordance of sound; dissonance: I heard a cacophony of horns during the traffic jam. 2. A discordant and meaningless mixture of sounds.
Cesspool - 1. A cistern, well or pit for retaining the sediment of a drain or for receiving the sewage from a hours. 2. Any filthy receptacle or place: In my house there is a very big cesspool where mice got in. 3. Any place of moral filth or immorality: I wish journalists would not lump us all into the same cesspool of corruption.
Conduit - 1. A pipe or channel conveying fluids such as water: The small river served as a natural conduit between the lake and the ocean. 2. A tube or duct for enclosing electrical wires or cable. 3. A means by which something is transmitted: The air is a great conduit for cold germs to pass from person to person.
Confer - 1. To consult together; compare opinions; carry on a discussion or deliberation: The committee will confer before taking any action on the proposed new contract.
Crux - 1. A vital, basic, decisive, or pivotal point: The crux of her ability to make friends is her aggressiveness and hostility; The crux of the trial was his whereabouts at the time of the murder.
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