; Marcella Ducasses: H - Daily Word Dose

Tuesday 7 June 2011

H - Daily Word Dose

Hail - 1. To cheer, salute or greet; welcome.  2. To acclaim; approve enthusiastically: They hailed the recent advances in medicine.  3. To call out in order to stop, attract attention, ask aid: To hail a cab.

Hamper - 1. To hold back; hinder; impede: A steady rain hampered the progress of the work. 2. To interfere with; curtail: The dancer's movements were hampered by their elaborate costumes.

Heap - 1. A group of things placed, thrown or lying one on another; pile: A heap of stones. 2. Informal. A great quantity or number; multitude: There are always a heap of people in Grand Central Station. 3. verb. To accumulate or amass: The investment banker heaped up riches.

Hedonistic - A person whose life is devoted to the pursuit of pleasure and self-gratification.

Hew - 1. To strike (something, esp. wood) with cutting blows, as with an ax: At his age, he's not able to hew trees anymore.  2. To shape or carve from a substance 3. To sever from a larger or another portion  4. To conform to a code, principle, etc: Even in a crisis, we must hew to this nation's principles of liberty, equality and justice.

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