; Marcella Ducasses: E - Daily Word Dose

Sunday 5 June 2011

E - Daily Word Dose

Earnest - 1. Serious in intention, purpose or effort; sincerely zealous: An earnest worker. 2. Showing depth and sincerity of feeling: I want to be earnest with you: you're not the one for me.  3. Seriously important; demanding or receiving serious attention.  4. (noun) Full of seriousness, as of attention or purpose: You must listen carefully to this, for I think the professor was in full earnest when he wrote it.

Efflorescence - 1. The state or a period of flowering: It's time for the flowers to begin efflorescence.  2. An example or result of growth and intelligence.

Effrontery - 1. Shameless or impudent boldness; barefaced audacity: She had the effrontery to ask for two free samples.  2. The act or instance of this: I am very effrontery about taking my brother's things.

Emblem - 1. An object or its representation, symbolizing a quality, state, class of persons, etc.; symbol: The olive branch is an emblem of peace.  2. A sign, design or figure that identifies or represents something: The emblem of a school.

Epiphany - 1. An appearance of manifestation, esp. of a deity.  2. A sudden intuitive perception of or insight into the reality or essential meaning of something, usually initiated by some simple, homely, or commonplace occurrence or experience: Elissa didn't understand the question, but after several minutes the answer came to her like an epiphany.

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