Ignoble - 1. Of low character, aims, etc; mean; dishonorable; dispicable; shameful: His mother thought playing piano at a bar was an ignoble use of his talents 2. Of low grade or quality; inferior . 3. Not noble; of humble descent or rank.
Imbue - 1. To impregnate or inspire, as with feelings, opinions, etc: The new political leader was imbued by the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi; For him to become a new God, it is necessary to imbue him with magical abilities. 2. To saturate or impregnate with moisture, color, etc.
Impetuous - 1. Of, pertaining to, or characterized by a rash action, emotion, etc; impulsive: Romeo and Juliet decided to marry after only 2 days. This impetuous behavior led to their deaths. 2. Having great impetus; moving with great force; violent: The impetuous winds.
Incessant - Continuing without interruption; ceaseless; unending: If they don't stop their incessant bickering, I'm going home! The loud and incessant chatter of the people next to us made it hard for us to hear each other.
Innocuous - 1. Not harmful or injurious; harmless: The men looked mean and dangerous, but were really quite innocuous. 2. Not likely to irritate or offend; inoffensive: She meant for it to be an innocuous comment, but he took it as an insult. 3. Not interesting, stimulating or significant; pallid; insipid: An innocuous novel
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