; Marcella Ducasses: V - Daily Word Dose

Saturday 7 May 2011

V - Daily Word Dose

Veto - 1. The power or right vested in one branch of a government to cancel or postpone the decisions, enactments, etc of another branch, esp. the right of a president, governor or other chief executive to reject bills passed by the legislature  2. The exercise of this right.

Vilify - 1. To speak ill of; defame; slander: The Republicans attempted to vilify President Obama, claiming he is a Muslim and not an America Citizen, but most voters did not accept the baseless claims.

Virulent - 1. Actively poisonous; intensely noxious: A virulent insect bite. 2. (Medicine) Highly infective; malignant or deadly: He came down with a virulent type of disease.

Vociferous - 1. Crying out noisily; clamorous  2. Characterized with or uttered with vociferation: The superintendent was a vociferous opponent of enlarging the school gymnasium.

Volition - 1. The act of willing, choosing or resolving; exercise of willing: He decided to enter rehab of his own volition.  2. A choice or decision made by the will

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