; Marcella Ducasses: U - Daily Word Dose

Friday 6 May 2011

U - Daily Word Dose

Ubiquity - 1. The state or capacity of being everywhere, esp. at the same time; omnipresence: Many household appliances have become ubiquitous, such as the washing machine, fridge and tv set. Tourists with cameras are ubiquitous in Europe every summer.

Underlings - A subordinate, esp. one of slight importance: He asked his underling to do the dirty work for him.

Unduly - 1. Excessively: His mother was unduly worried when she didn't come home on time.  2. In an inappropriate, unjustifiable, or improper manner: The press was unduly critical of her speech.

Unequivocal -1. Not equivocal; unambiguous; clear; having only one possible meaning or interpretation: There was unequivocal proof that he committed the crime  2. Absolute; unqualified; not subject to conditions or exceptions: The dormitory curfew was unequivocal.

Unassailable - 1. Not open to attack or assault, as by military force or argument, unassailable logic, unassailable fortifications.  2. Not subject to denial or dispute: Shakespeare's genius gives his works an unassailable position in world literature.

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