; Marcella Ducasses: T- Daily Word Dose

Tuesday 3 May 2011

T- Daily Word Dose

Tenuous - 1. Thin or slender in form: The threads of the spiderweb were tenuous. 2. Lacking a sound basis, as in reasoning; unsubstantiated; weak: He had a tenuous grip on reality. 3. Thin in consistency; rare or rarefied: The air at high altitudes is tenuous.

Toil - 1. Hard or continuous work; exhausting labor or effort: He toiled in the field day after day. 2. A laborious task.

Trove - A collection of objects: She dug through her treasure trove in hopes of finding her long lost earrings.

Trepidation - 1. Tremulous fear, alarm or agitation; perturbation: I felt another earthquake coming and I was overcome with trepidation. 2. Trembling or quivering movement; tremor.

Tumultuous - 1. Full of tumult or riotousness; marked by disturbance and uproar: The fand became wild and tumultuous as a result of teh game results.  2. Raising a great clatter and commotion; disorderly or noisy  3. Highly agitated, as the mind or emotions; distraught; turbulent.

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