; Marcella Ducasses: C - Daily Word

Monday, 5 September 2011

C - Daily Word

Cessation - A temporary or complete stopping; discontinuance.

Commensurate - 1. Having the same measure; of equal extent of duration.  2. Corresponding in amount, magnitude, or degree: Your paycheck should be commensurate with the amount of time you worked. 3. proportionate; adequate. 4. Having a common measure; commensurable.

Conciliate - 1. To overcome the distrust or hostility of; placate; win over: to conciliate an angry competitor. 2. To win or gain (goodwill, regard, or favor); to make compatible; reconcile.

Consort - 1. A husband or wife; spouse, esp. of a reigning monarch  2. A companion, associate or partner  3. To associate with; keep company, hang out with: To consort with known criminals  4. To agree or harmonize.

Conjure - 1. To affect or influence by or as if by invocation or spell  2.To effect, produce, bring, etc., by or as by magic: To conjure a miracle. 3. To call upon or command (a devil or spirit) by invocation or spell. 4. To call or bring into existence by or as if by magic (usually followed by up): She seemd to have conjured up the person she was talking about. 5. To bring to mind; recall (usually followed by up): to conjure up the past.

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