; Marcella Ducasses: August 2011

Thursday 25 August 2011

A - Daily Word Dose

Accolade - Any award, honor or laudatory notice: The play received accolades from the press: The critics bestowed best actress accolades upon her; The new york awards are the media industry's highest accolade.

Acumen- Keen insight; shrewdness: He had a remarkable acumen when it came to business matters; Wilson demonstrated immense political acumen.

Apprise - To give notice to; inform; advise (often followed by of): To be apprised of the death of an old friend.

Assent - 1. To agree or concur; subscribe to (often followed by to): To assent to a statement.  2. To give in; concede: Assenting to his demands, I did as I was told.

Assuage - 1. To make milder or less severe; relieve; ease; mitigate: She attempted to assuage his grief. 2. To appease; satisfy; allay; relieve: To buffet assuaged my hunger. 3. To soothe, calm or mollify: To assuage his fear; to assuage her anger.

Wednesday 24 August 2011

W - Daily Word Dose

Wade - To walk in water, when partially immersed: He wasn't swimming, he was wading. 2. To play in water: The children were wading in the pool most of the afternoon.  3. To walk through water, snow, sand or any other substance that impedes free motion or offers resistance to movement: To wade through the mud. 4. To make ones way slowly or laboriously (often followed by through): She waded through the dull book.

Wrath - 1. Strong, stern or fierce anger; deeply resentful indignation; ire. 2. Vengeance or punishment as the consequence of anger.

Wretched - 1. Very unfortunate in condition or circumstances; miserable; pitiable: The truth is I had a pretty wretched childhood.  2. Characterized by or attended with misery or sorrow: This wretched disease won't break my spirits.  3. Despicable, contemptible or mean: The neighbours little girl looked innocent but she was a wretched bully  3. Poor, sorry or pitiful; worthless.